We are always students, whether a teacher or not.
Yoga is important to always remember this so learning can continue. Yoga is with this in mind that we are offering a number and variety of ongoing courses. Each course will have a specific focus with an expert in that field offering the teaching.
We are always students, whether a teacher or not.
Yoga is important to always remember this so learning can continue. Yoga never ends. Vital to the integrity of a teacher is to engage in study on an ongoing basis. A daily practice that continues to grow is part of it. Time taken on personal retreat to deepen and absorb this path more fully is essential. It takes time for the practice and teachings to sink in and have their impact. The deeper we grow ourselves the better a service we offer our students.
But we're also on a path inward in our own growth. For me as a student and then as a teacher I have always put time in study and growth first. Every year taking time to study, be inspired and grow. Keeping alive that lifeline to the teachings so they can penetrate me deeper. Staying fresh, staying open. Even if one does not teach time to go further in a focused way is the key to growth. Yoga is with this in mind that we are offering a number and variety of ongoing courses.
Each course will have a specific focus with an expert in that field offering the teaching. Continuing and growing in the yoga practices will be an ongoing constant feature. Exposure to experience and guidance of the teachers while immersing in an environment dedicated to inner growth will lead to personal development and transformation. This is what we primarily hope to offer through these courses. Yoga will aid in your teaching, if that is your focus, but more importantly it is to establish and grow something within you. I have watched this myself as I have embraced the path over the last few years. These courses and the environment are an attempt to duplicate that experience and encourage others to keep growing and teaching better. In order to stimulate further learning, deeper growth and a more complete well roundedness Centered Yoga Institute raises the bar to a 1000-hour certificate level.
This would obviously take at least 5 years or more to complete. We never stop learning though Free Reprint Articles, never stop growing. But it is our responsibility to make an effort in that direction. That time of study along with ongoing practice ensures a more complete development and stronger qualification. This growth and learning cannot be rushed. There are no shortcuts on this path.
By Sanjeevkumar